I AM NOW™ Program Description
The Crystallization of Self ™
Inner Awareness Mastery NOW™ is a way of life, which draws you out of a world of yesterdays and tomorrows and enables you to experience NOW: the truth of this moment. I AM NOW™ is cognitive, experiential and spiritual. It is a synthesis of western psychology and eastern philosophy, culminating in meditation.
Inner Awareness Mastery NOW™ gives you the opportunity to see your world with a totally new perspective. You stop being the victim or the oppressor and become the master of your life. You learn through instruction, questions and answers, exercises in I AM NOW™ and through experiencing Satsang with Isa.
Inner Awareness Mastery NOW™ provides a relaxed atmosphere for you to examine your Trinity of Life and the Laws of Ego in a very systematic and structured manner. In time, you drop the need for this structure. You discover that you are totally responsible for everything that you think, feel and do; yet, you always follow the dictates of the moment. You experience the paradox of responsibility and following the moment, and at the same time totally understand that there is no conflict. I AM NOW™ can help you move beyond your mind, into your heart and into your very being. Once this happens, you experience a state of no mind and the joy of NOW.
Inner Awareness Mastery NOW™ was founded by Isa as he looked at himself and explored his life. Isa awakened to his own Inner Awareness Mastery after experiencing a life changing event. This lead to his realization that the joy and ecstasy of this moment is incomprehensible and perfect. Now he lovingly shares his being, energy and knowing with all who desire to know themselves and experience the joy and freedom of this moment.